Frances Hodgson Person-Info 

( Ich bin Frances Hodgson)


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Review: San Francisco Opera’s ‘The Secret Garden’ is a misfire – The...
Based on the classic children's novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett, the new opera is too often lacking the key ingredient of Burnett's famous tale: wonder.

Guardian: The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett - review | Children's...

SurreyGus2021: 'This book is a classic that your parents have probably read, but don't let that put you off!'

The Making of a Lady, ITV1: costume drama meets the macabre -...
ITV1’s disturbing new period piece The Making of a Lady reminds us that Frances Hodgson Burnett didn’t just write twee stories for children,...

The medicinal power of literature: Books on prescription to be...
People consulting their local GP over mental health issues may find they are written a surprising prescription, one redeemed at the local library rather than a...
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