Francesco Guerrero Person-Info 

( Ich bin Francesco Guerrero)


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Spox: Enzo Francesco Guerrero Segovia - -

Enzo Francesco Guerrero Segovia - Daten, Spiele, Vereine, Auszeichnungen: Spielerdaten, Spielerportraits und Detaildaten von der Bundesliga bis zur Oberliga...

Giesing · Adventsmarkt - Gustav-Adolf-Kirche lädt ein
... Francesco Guerrero, Hans Leo Hassler, Jakob Handl, Heinrich Issac, Hieronymus und Michael Praetorius, Robert Ramsey, Thomas Tallis und Mikolaj Zielenski.

Harmonies of heaven and earth - Visit Cambridge
It includes pieces by well known composers and some rare gems, including a new edition of a mass by Francesco Guerrero. This collection of sacred pieces has ... › h...

Veni, veni, Emmanuel - Visit Reykjavik
... Hljómeyki sings music for the advent by icelandic contemporary composers as well as music from the renaissance by Robert Parsons and Francesco Guerrero. › event › ve...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Francesco Guerrero
Person "Guerrero" (1)
Vorname "Francesco" (7401)
Name "Guerrero" (1664)
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