Francesco Mattana Person-Info 

( Ich bin Francesco Mattana)


(1 - 4 von 15

Papst prangert auf Sardinien Arbeitslosigkeit an | DOMRADIO.DE -...
Papst Franziskus hat am Sonntag Sardinien einen zehnstündigen Besuch abgestattet. Wie kaum eine andere Region Italiens leidet Sardinien unter der...

Pope attacks global economics for worshipping 'god of money' | Reuters
Pope Francis made one of his strongest attacks on the global economic system on Sunday, saying it could no longer be based on a

Pope tells big business not to worship 'the god of money'
The Pope has claimed that big business’s worship of money is causing misery for ordinary people, in one of his strongest attacks yet on the global economic...

GdF, il Generale di Divisione Francesco Mattana nuovo Comandante...
Nella mattinata di ieri, presso la caserma “M.A.V.M. Giovanni Macchi”, storica sede del Comando Regionale “Puglia” della Guardia di Finanza, ha avuto lu...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Francesco Mattana
Vorname "Francesco" (7401)
Name "Mattana" (39)
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