Frank Brinken und Chairman Person-Info 

( Ich bin Frank Brinken)
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Publications - CECIMO
As the successor of Frank Brinken, Vice-Chairman of Starrag Holding AG, Mr Burton will guide the Market...[more]. Category: Publications, Press releases, News, ...

CECIMO PRESS RELEASE: Marcus Burton is the new Chairman Market...
Brussels, 22 February During the last CECIMO meeting, the CECIMO General Assembly elected Marcus Burton as Chairman of the...

CECIMO announces a positive economic outlook for and commits to...
According to Dr Frank Brinken, Chairman of the Economic Committee, “the EU policy-makers, in their turn, should deliver on the ambitious EU ...

Key CECIMO role for Marcus Burton
As the successor to Frank Brinken, vice-chairman of Starrag Holding AG, Mr Burton will guide the Market Intelligence Committee of the ...