Frank Brinken und President Person-Info 

( Ich bin Frank Brinken)
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TTIP: "Wir sind die wirklichen Gewinner" |
StarragHeckert Group President and Chief Executive Officer Frank Brinken speaks during a press conference in Bangalore, India, Tuesday, Jan ... › article › maag-pump-ac...MAAG-PUMP-ACQUIRING-LCI-UNIT - Plastics News
``LCI has developed a business that goes well with gear pumps,'' Frank Brinken, president of Zurich, Switzerland-based Maag Pump Systems ...

COMUNICATO STAMPA CECIMO: Martin Kapp nuovo presidente...
BRUXELLES, 17 Novembre – L’assemblea generale CECIMO, riunitasi il 12 novembre a Zurigo, ha...

Luigi Galdabini becomes President of the European Association of the...
During its meeting held on 3 December in Brussels, the CECIMO General Assembly elected Luigi Galdabini as President of CECIMO for a period of two years.