Fred Busche und League Of Texas Person-Info 

( Ich bin Fred Busche)
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Greyhound Adoption League of Texas, Inc.
GALT President Fred Busche, who served as the Chair for the GALT Birthday Party again this year, is also a member of the Highland Village City Council.

Greyhound Adoption League of Texas, Inc.
... Crystal & Rob Jenkins, Mary & Joe Hoiles, Nancy Colwell, Tom & Yvonne Cone, Fred Busche, Suzanne Cody, Melissa Cody, Kristen & Lewis Fields, Michelle ...

Greyhound Adoption League of Texas, Inc.
GALT's newest Board Member, Fred Busche, is very active in the community as a soccer referee. He and his fellow referees started a charity golf tournament a ...

Greyhound Adoption League of Texas, Inc. Past Events
Fred Busche with Magellean and Scotty; Julie and Rick Waller with Crystal; Cara Lynn with Gable; Coral Bucy with Arrow and Shelby