Freddie May Person-Info 

( Ich bin Freddie May)


(1 - 4 von 141

Google News: Bigfoot Filmed On iPhone, Spokane

[The Random Forest] - By Freddie · May 31, · 1 Comment Bigfoot Filmed On iPhone, Spokane - Spokane, Washington is where a female hiker claim to have filmed bigfoot on her iPhone. She did not set out to find the elusive creature, but is now convinced she has the footage

Google News: Case-Shiller Home-Price Index Sinks to Low

[The Random Forest] - By Freddie · May 31, · No comments Case-Shiller Home-Price Index Sinks to Low – Reaching the lowest levels since the housing bubble burst in 2006, The Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller housing index sets the scene for a gloomy future to the

Google News: Scientists probe deadly cucumbers

[The Random Forest] - By Freddie · May 30, · No comments Scientists probe deadly cucumbers – Cucumbers for probe by scientists as they could be deadly. Sound impossible? Think again. There have been 10 deaths recently that many believe have been linked to cucumbers out

Google News: William Catherine Vanity Fair Cover

[The Random Forest] - By Freddie · May 30, · No comments William Catherine Vanity Fair Cover - The cover of Vanity Fair will be graced by William and Catherine very soon. The royal couple is one of the hottest and most popular the world has ever seen.
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