Frederic Laquai Person-Info 

( Ich bin Frederic Laquai)


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| IEE | UC Santa Barbara
Frederic Laquai Seminar: Photocurrent Generation in Low-Bandgap Polymer and Small Molecule Organic Solar Cells. Frederic Laquai. Head, Max Planck ...

81PMM: Polymer Optoelectronic
Joannis Kallitsis (University of Patras, Greece); Prof. Youngjong Kang (Hanyang University, Korea); Prof. Frederic Laquai (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia); Prof. Stergios Logothetidis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece); Dr. Matej Mičušík (Polymer Institute SAS, Slovak Republic) ...

Invited Speakers | Meetings & Exhibits | Optica
Optica meetings are forums where the optics and photonics community comes together to exchange ideas and information.

Nanosystems for Solar Energy Conversion Veranstaltung  Nanosystems...
... Dirk Guldi, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg; Saif Haque, Imperial College; Illan Kramer, University of Toronto; Frederic Laquai, MPI Mainz ...
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