Frida Kahlo und Mattel Person-Info 

( Ich bin Frida Kahlo)
(1 - 11 von 12
) Frida Kahlo als Barbie: Mexikanisches Gericht verbietet Abbild der...

Spielzeughersteller Mattel wollte die tote Malerin Frida Kahlo als Barbiepuppe vermarkten. Ihre Familie hat sich dagegen nun erfolgreich vor Gericht gewehrt -...

Frida Kahlo Barbie can't be sold
won a temporary injunction that stops sales of a Frida Barbie doll. Kahlo's great- niece Mara de Anda Romeo argued in Mexican court that Mattel doesn't have the rights to use Kahlo's image as part of its Inspiring Women ...

Frida Kahlo’s great-niece in fight with Mattel over new Barbie doll
relative of the late Mexican artist Frida Kahlo over rights to a Frida Barbie doll...

Mattel's New Frida Kahlo Barbie Doll Minimizes Unibrow and Upper Lip...
Barbie's newest Inspiring Women collection includes Frida Kahlo, but her doll doesn't have nearly as much of the iconic unibrow and facial hair that Kahlo...