Friday Morning Person-Info 

( Ich bin Friday Morning)


(1 - 4 von 116
) News Digest: Latent Racism

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik] - By David HudsonWith his new anti-"green card" slogan, the challenger in the race to head the government of the important state of North Rhine Westphalia unleashes a storm of criticism. Also: Germany's high tech stocks are taking a beating, too. News Digest: A New CDU or CDU Adieu?

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik] - By David Hudson"The Kohl era is over" has become the new mantra of the Christian Democratic Union as it struggles during a closed-door meeting to get back on a steady oppositional track. Also: "Ford and the Führer". News Digest: Speech! Speech!

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik] - By David HudsonBoris Yeltsin's New Year's speech to his people upstages Chancellor Schröder's to his. Still, Schröder enters with more reasons to party than most would have imagined just weeks ago. Also: A damaged Europe in the wake of storms, avalanches and Helmut Kohl. News Digest: Mudslinging Season

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik] - By David HudsonWith elections coming up in September, voters are souring on both parties of the governing coalition as they bicker among themselves. Also: Steffi Graf retires. 
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Marc Schaller
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