Funda Cicek Person-Info 

( Ich bin Funda Cicek)


(1 - 4 von 5

Turkey: Police launch search for 15-year-old girl feared to have fled › turkey-police-launch-search-1...
· Funda Cicek disappeared from her home in the Turkish capital of Istanbul on Friday (16 September) after sending a text to her uncle warning ...

Teenage girl 'abducted by ISIS' texts her uncle to say: 'Don't try to...
Alaaddin Cicek told her family:

Hunt for 15-year-old girl feared abducted by ISIS in Turkey after › news › article › H...
· Funda Cicek, 15, vanished from her home in Istanbul last week before texting her uncle Alaaddin Cicek to warn the family not to come looking ...

Police launch search for 15-year-old girl feared to have fled to...
Funda Cicek was recorded boarding bus with a bearded man on CCTV, after disappearing from her Istanbul home.
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