Günter Allerstorfer Person-Info 

( Ich bin Günter Allerstorfer)


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Does a pavilion fit on the Point?The Limited Times

In addition, the square is primarily a sports field. While Günter Allerstorfer had no problem with the pavilion, Martina Brandl (BürgerListe) openly expressed ...

Greens fail with budget application - The Limited Times

The new Greens faction wanted non-mandatory measures to be stopped. but the city council mostly sees it differently.

Too few childcare places in Tegernsee: Green light for kindergarten ...newsrnd.com › news

Group colleague Günter Allerstorfer agreed: "Then we will remain flexible." CSU City Council: Modern container the perfect solution. A container of the new ...

Tegernsee: Corona-Krise: Grünen-Fraktion scheitert mit Antrag zum...

... das Schicksal der Rücklagen, sie zu verwenden“, fand Markus Schertler (CSU) und betonte ebenso wie Fraktionskollege Günter Allerstorfer, ...
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