Gabriel Cruz und Provincial Person-Info 

( Ich bin Gabriel Cruz)
(1 - 4 von 7

Caso Gabriel Cruz | Los padres del pequeño Gabriel mantienen que...
La vista en la que se van a dirimir los recursos de apelación e impugnación elevados por todas las partes contra la sentencia de la Audiencia Provincial de...

Gabriel Cruz's mother: "We were going to fight so that this witch did...
With a broken voice and tears at the edge of his eyes, Patricia Ramírez, mother of little Gabriel Cruz, has stood out at the gates of the Provincial Court of...

ICLEI Europe •• News
The Spanish Minister of Environment José Fiscal, the mayor of Huelva (Spain) Gabriel Cruz, and the president of the Provincial Council of Huelva Ignacio Caraballo, presented the objectives of the International Congress on Climate Change at an event for …