Gary Rizzo und Chris Person-Info 

( Ich bin Gary Rizzo)
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81. Academy Awards: Die Oscar-Nominierungen -
Gary Rizzo und Ed Novick für «The Dark Knight» - Ian Tapp, Richard Pryke und Resul Pootkutty für «Slumdog Millionär» - Tom Myers, Michael Semansick und Ben Burtt für «Wall-E» - Chris Jenkins, Frank A.

Christopher Nolan defends sound in Interstellar - BBC News
Director Christopher Nolan defends the sound in his film Interstellar, after viewers complained they couldn't hear sections of dialogue.

Explore the Intricacies of the 'Interstellar' Sound Design as Nolan...
Soundworks Collection has put together an interesting look at the sound design for Interstellar as Christopher Nolan explains his approach to the film's...

Oscar 2011: Die 24 Gewinner auf einen Blick |
Gary Rizzo und Ed Novick Bester Tonschnitt: Inception – Richard King Beste visuelle Effekte: Inception – Paul Franklin, Chris Corbould, Andrew Lockley und Peter Bebb. Themen: Toystory, Colin ...