Gazmend Januzi Person-Info 

( Ich bin Gazmend Januzi)


Kërkohen vende pune: Të rinjtë në Evropën Juglindore
VIENË, 21 tetor – Banka Botërore, në bashkëpunim me Ministrinë Austriake të Financave, Institutin Vjenez për Studime Ekonomike Ndërkombëtare dhe Rrjetin...

Jobs Wanted: Youth in Southeast EuropeWorld Bank
— Gazmend Januzi (24), a construction technician from Sarajevo, said, “What would be good for me is to have a permanent job and insurance.”.

Roma growing up: In worse position since birth and ...Save the Children NWB
— Gazmend Januzi from Sarajevo is employed as member of the Sarajevo Canton Centre for Social Work mobile team and his day-today job is to ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Gazmend Januzi
Vorname "Gazmend" (265)
Name "Januzi" (75)
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