Geard Ajetovic und Boxer Person-Info 

( Ich bin Geard Ajetovic)
(1 - 15 von 15

Boxen: Schweizer Hoffnung Kongolo wird Teilzeit-Kickboxer - Blick
Am Boxing Day im Berner Kursaal holt sich Yoann Kongolo gegen den Serben Geard Ajetovic im 14. Kampf den 13. Profi-Sieg (1 Niederlage).

Olympic Boxing -- American boxers advance - UPI Archives
Muhammad Ali caused a stir outside the boxing ring Saturday. Clarence Vinson did so inside it....

Amateur Boxer Beats Pro Fighter in Olympics Qualifying Event
An amateur boxer beats pro boxer ahead of the Rio Olympic Games in This proved to be a big story at the time.

Amateur Boxer Beats Professional In Olympic Qualifiers - SPORTbible
I guess the pro's are not having it all their way.