Geoff Howland Person-Info 

( Ich bin Geoff Howland)


(1 - 4 von 14

Les mini-jeux échappés du Ludum Dare – Libération
Le Ludum Dare, compétition de jeux vidéo, réunit des développeurs faisant le pari de créer un jeu en 48 heures. Explications et petite sélection.

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»Ludum Dare« - Die Highlights des Game-Jams - Kultur - INTRO
Am vergangenen Wochenende fand zum 31. Mal der Videogame-Jam »Ludum Dare« statt. Das sind unsere Highlights.

A Practical Guide to Building a Complete Game AI
I didn't think so either, at least until I looked down and realized who wrote the article: Geoff Howland. Geoff Howland from Lupine Games. Jeff Howland from Lupine Games who created one of the most shitty and buggy games to ever reach a public location other than a men's public restroom, Hatfields and ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Geoff Howland
Vorname "Geoff" (1125)
Name "Howland" (583)
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