Geoff King Person-Info 

( Ich bin Geoff King)


(1 - 4 von 13

Tasmanien - Paradies am Ende der Welt - arte |
Tasmanien, die paradiesische Inselsüdlich von Australien, kann auf einebewegte Geschichte zurückblicken. Die Zeiten, in denen Gefängnisse und Ausbeutung die...

Guardian: Tasmania conservation deal a legacy from the stubborn cattleman of...

For decades Geoff King protected Indigenous heritage sites. Four years after his death, the property is in their hands

Geoff King at Kings Run, photo by Matthew Newton - ABC News...
Posted 8 Oct 2017, 4:53pmSun 8 Oct 2017, 4:53pm. Geoff King told of a "wake-up call" following a visit to his property by a wildlife biologist. Supplied: Matthew ...

Geoff King RIP
Dr Geoff King (MBBS FRACGP FACTM DRACOG Dip Av Med FACRRM), the first Director of the Pre Hospital Emergency Care Council passed away peacefully ...
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