George Cukor Person-Info 

( Ich bin George Cukor)


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Guardian: George Cukor: The Philadelphia Story | Film | The Guardian

Considering the talkative nature of the film, it moves marvellously and the performances would be very hard to beat because they are based on the wit of...

BOOK REVIEW / Puzzle of a reel ladies' man: 'George Cukor: A Double...
GEORGE CUKOR is usually labelled a 'woman's director', but it would be more pertinent to say that he was primarily a studio contract director, one of the...

"Gaslight" by George Cukor | University Center for Human Values
"Gaslight" by George Cukor. Mon, Mar 5, 2018, 7:00 pm. Share this article on Facebook Tweet this article. Location: Rocky Theater. University Center for Human ...

George Cukor
George Cukor. Lohr Zwei Filmvorführungen von "A Star Is Born". Am Mittwoch, 20. WÜRZBURG Historischer Filmdreh: Liebesnacht auf ...
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