George Sfeir Person-Info 

( Ich bin George Sfeir)


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ENGT.PK - Energy & Technology Corp Profile | Reuters
Name, Description. George Sfeir. Mr. George M. Sfeir is President, Chief Executive Officer and Director of Energy and technology corp. He is a graduate of ...

Energy & Technology unit files patent lawsuit | OTCMKTS:ENGT
Technical Industries Inc. files the patent infringement case against National Oilwell to protect its wall mapping patents.

Libanon - Wahrheitssuche auf dem Platz der Märtyrer - Politik -
Hunderttausende Demonstranten in Beiruts Straßen machen das Begräbnis des ermordeten Pierre Gemayel zu einer Machtdemonstration der Gegner Syriens.

MTV Lebanon - News - Articles - MTV Website Grabs Best Arab...
MTV is a leading independent media station in Lebanon and the Arab world. We provide round the clock news coverage, in-house production programs and the first...
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