Gerald Kick und Europe's Person-Info 

( Ich bin Gerald Kick)
(1 - 22 von 22

A Guy Called Gerald in Austin at The North DoorDo512
A Guy Called Gerald kick started Europe's … house movement with his '88 classic 'Voodoo Ray' and 'Pacific State' (as a founding member of 808 State) and ...

Rockshop celebrates 303 DayRockshop
— An iconic name in dance music. A Guy Called Gerald kick started Europe's … House frenzy with his classic "Voodoo Ray" and Pacific ...

Who's playing Red Bull Unlocked Manchester? Artist listRed Bull
— An iconic name in dance music, A Guy Called Gerald kick-started Europe's … house movement with his '88 classic 'Voodoo Ray' and 'Pacific ...

A Guy Called Gerald at Cassette Number Nine, New Zealand
A Guy Called Gerald kick started Europe's … house frenzy with his '88 classic 'Voodoo Ray' and 'Pacific State' (as part of 808 State) and went on to lay ... › New Zealand › Events