Gerlinde Hoff Person-Info 

( Ich bin Gerlinde Hoff)


(1 - 4 von 7

Thousands stranded in Bangkok as flights affected by India Pakistan...
Thousands of travelers were stranded in Bangkok on Thursday when Thai Airways International canceled more than a dozen flights to and from Europe after...

Thousands scramble as Thai Airways cancels flights over Pakistan |...
Flights to resume after China grants permission to use airspace for Europe flights

Hörselgauer Dresch-Schuppen beliebtes Ausflugsziel zu Himmelfahrt |...
Hörselgau. Scharenweise waren Väter und Männer, und auch solche, die es irgendwann werden wollen, am Himmelfahrtstag wieder unterwegs. Verstärkt wird dieser...

Stranded passengers at Suvarnabhumi peak at 4,900
Swiss tourist Gerlinde Hoff, 60, stayed overnight at the airport with her husband and by midday was still waiting for another flight home, ...
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Person "Hoff" (10)
Vorname "Gerlinde" (6047)
Name "Hoff" (1693)
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