German Base Person-Info 

( Ich bin German Base)


(1 - 4 von 31
) Germany Hands Over Kunduz Base to Afghan Forces - SPIEGEL ONLINE

After serving there for 10 years, Germany officially handed over its Kunduz military base to Afghan security forces on Sunday. And though German soldiers are...

Ex soldier jailed for IRA attack on German base | The Times
yesterday after being found guilty of taking part in a bungled Provisional IRA ...

Troops to leave their German base after | Daily Echo
The Tigers will be leaving Germany and coming home to the south according to a huge Ministry of Defence document detailing the future of the armed…

Dominik Loyen: German base jumper dies in Portugal jump - BBC News
Dominik Loyen's parachute did not open during the 100m (330ft) base jump from a cliff in Nazaré.
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