Gertrud Sahler und Iccm5 Person-Info 

( Ich bin Gertrud Sahler)
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Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste Beyond Why it matters...
ICCM5 President, Ms Gertrud Sahler Head of Directorate-General Environment and Health, Emission Control, Safety of Installations and Transport, ...

IISD/ENB @ IP3 | 1 Oct | Bangkok, TH | IISD - Global NGO Impact News
ICCM5 President Gertrud Sahler ... Keith Ripley, IISD/ENB, speaking with ICCM5 President Gertrud Sahler, and Jutta Emig, Federal Ministry for ...

Highlights and images of main proceedings for 4 October 2019
ICCM5 President Gertrud Sahler hailed the intensive and fruitful deliberations as setting a firm foundation for work at IP4 and a large step ...

Erstes Technisches Briefing im Vorbereitungsprozess zu ICCM5
Gertrud Sahler, Präsidentin der 5. ICCM, die vom 5. bis 9. Juli in Bonn tagen soll, sowie die IP-Co-Chairs Judith Torres und David Morin, laden die SAICM-Focal-Points und andere …