Gideon Grody-Patinkin und Mandy Person-Info 

( Ich bin Gideon Grody-Patinkin)
(1 - 33 von 94

At home, on stage and screen
Somewhere in Creede, Colo., en route to a mountain cabin in Santa Fe, N.M., Mandy Patinkin is above 10,000 feet. “If I sound stupid, it’s because there’s no...

How Mandy Patinkin's Family Twitter Became a Vehicle for ...
— Gideon Grody-Patinkin, 34, was one of them — but instead of regressing in his childhood bedroom and sniping at Mom and Dad, he helped his ... › ma...

Kathryn Grody and Mandy Patinkin (Couple) -
Patinkin married actress and writer Kathryn Grody in They have two sons, Isaac Patinkin (born 1983) and Gideon Grody-Patinkin (born 1987). › topic

Mandy Patinkin's response to an emotional TikTok request
— In a response video shot by Patinkin's son, Gideon Grody-Patinkin, and posted to TikTok and Twitter, Patinkin and his wife, Kathryn Grody ... › story