Gillian Cross Person-Info 

( Ich bin Gillian Cross)


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Author Gillian Cross wins Bolton School's children's fiction award |...
POPULAR author Gillian Cross has added another honour to her collection after schoolchildren voted her as Bolton Children’s Fiction Award Winner…

Guardian: After Tomorrow by Gillian Cross – review | Disaster fiction (children...

Gillian Cross's seamlessly-plotted page-turner takes place in a dystopian world so plausible you can smell it, says Linda Buckley-Archer

buechernachlese - Gillian Cross: Das Haus des Schweigens
Eine Rezension von Ulrich Karger - buechernachlese archiviert mehrere hundert seiner ungekürzten Besprechungen sowie Kinderbuchkurzhinweise und auch Links zu...

Guardian: Gillian Cross: 'I'm looking at reality, as hard as I can' | › books › may › teen-book-c...

· Gillian Cross: 'I'm looking at reality, as hard as I can'. Gillian answers your questions about her latest book, After Tomorrow - and how ...
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