Gillian Laura Schulz Person-Info 

( Ich bin Gillian Laura Schulz)


Study: Babies are sophisticated learners
[] - "We start with these newborn babies and by the time they're 4 years old, they have a lot of common sense knowledge about the world," Laura Schulz, professor of cognitive sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said.

A squeeze, a squeak, a glimpse of learning
[Boston Globe] - They have ideas about physics, they have ideas about other people, they have ideas about causal relationships,'' said Laura Schulz, associate professor of cognitive sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “The way we get the world right

Google News: De ce grădiniţa sau creşa nu ar trebui să devină o ,,a doua şcoală ...

[Gândul] - Profesorul Laura Schulz (MIT), asistată de studenţii ei, a observat modul în care copii de 4 ani au aflat despre o nouă jucărie alcătuită din patru tuburi, fiecare dintre acesta având o mică surpriză în interior (o oglindă ascunsă, o imagine etc).

Luella J. Hill
[Herald Times Reporter] - Survivors include her children: Terry and Al Schultz, Grafton, Ann Carothers, Manitowoc, Bonnie Reilly, Port Washington, Darryl and Sharon Hill, Manitowoc, Laura Schulz, and her fiancé, Jesse Fuller, Cato, Dale Hill, Manitowoc; 17 grandchildren;
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