Gloria Schumacher Person-Info 

( Ich bin Gloria Schumacher)


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Art group exhibits in Cobourg
COBOURG -- When Maggie Money retired three years ago, she knew creativity was on the horizon.

1911 bell restored, tolls again above former Horlick's Malted ...
— RACINE — Gloria Schumacher has seen firsthand the evolution of Belle City Square, on the block of Northwestern Avenue. › news

Alice Schumacher, 83, Mitchell
— ... and Lisa (1971); her parents; sister, Vera (Owen) Herter; brother, Harvey Deinert; and sisters-in-law, Gloria Schumacher and Judy Hohn. › news › 2...

Upcycling: Wie alte Dinge Wert gewinnen - PressReader
— Der Verkaufsraum von Gloria Schumacher in Maria Alm zeugt von ihrer Kreativität. Die 30-jährige Saalfeldnerin hat sich selbstständig ... › salzburger-nachrichten
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