Gordon Setter Person-Info 

( Ich bin Gordon Setter)


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Puppy Pointers from the Staff of Pheasants Forever

— PF's Greg Emerick says a one-word training tip (CONSISTENCY) can turn a bird dog into a pheasant machine like his Gordon setter, Hazel. › pup...

Guardian: Fur flies in latest Crufts row as judge awards prize to sister's dogwww.theguardian.com › lifeandstyle › mar › crufts-...

· Dog owners question how Gordon setter James was able to win gundog group overseen by co-owner's relative.

Gundog Group winner surprised Gordon setter wins the prize | Daily...

▶ 1:31Di Arrowsmith awarded the prize for Best Gundog to a four-year-old Gordon setter named James, allowing ...

FOCUS: Gordon Setter: Ruheloser Jäger - FOCUS Online

Der Gordon Setter ist eher ein Einmann-Hund, eignet sich aber bei konsequenter Haltung auch für die Familie, wobei er jedoch viel sportliche Betätigung und...
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Person "Setter" (2)
Vorname "Gordon" (4609)
Name "Setter" (117)
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