Gunter Leopold Person-Info 

( Ich bin Gunter Leopold)


(1 - 4 von 5

Eduardo Simondi ( ): Mortes: Frank Zappa, vinis, chorinho e...
Entre Perdizes, zona oeste paulistana, e Guará, bairro algo rural nos arredores de Campinas, Eduardo Simondi construiu seu território sentimental. Naquele...

Block Island I (CVE-21)
... 1,100-ton U lay dead in the water while her captain, Oberleutnant zur See Gunter Leopold, joined many of his crew in a morning swim.

Mortes Cotidiano - Folha de S.Paulo
GUNTER LEOPOLD HAHN - Aos 97, casado com Hilde Oppenheimer Hahn. Deixa os filhos Michelle, Felix e Claudette, e netos. Cemitério Israelita do Butantã.

Book of wartime letters reveals impact of battle, effect of time
Forty-three years after he flew missions over Japan as a fighter pilot, Jerry Yellin...
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