Haik Avanian Person-Info 

( Ich bin Haik Avanian)


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Downtown Latte to host show of travel images - The Toledo ...

Dec 22, — Winners of the Winter Ball Film Festival sponsored by the Toledo Museum of Art are Szerokosc by Haik Avanian of Brooklyn, N.Y.; ... › art › › stories

CLOG : APPLE Launches in NYC this Friday - Bustlerbustler.net › news › clog-apple-launches-in-nyc-t...

Contributors include Michael Abrahamson, Paul Adamson, Gary Allen, Collin Anderson, Haik Avanian, Rachel Berger, Freek Bos, Gabrielle ...

CLOG : APPLE Launches in NYC this Friday | News | Archinect

CLOG : APPLE showcases over 50 international contributors, including architects, designers, cartoonists, comedians, engineers and other industry leaders....

culture: idsgn (a design blog)

Graphic designer Haik Avanian has teamed up with an unlikely partner (his mom) to launch his latest project. The project, ReKnit, turns old knit sweaters into ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Haik Avanian
Stan Allen
Amanda Buck
Vorname "Haik" (65)
Name "Avanian" (3)
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