Hans Joachim Cousin Person-Info 

( Ich bin Hans Joachim Cousin)


Neena Haridas: Searching for the Elixir of Youth in the Alps | BLOUIN...

Like Mann's wife Katharina and his protagonist Hans's cousin Joachim Ziemssen, many of the tourists to Bad Ragaz come in search of health and youth, not necessarily in that order these days. The sleepy, cheesy (strictly the edible variety) spa town is about an hour from Davos, where Katharina was ...

Classics and the Western Canon - The Magic Mountain: Week

86 discussion posts. Everyman said: A “perfectly ordinary young man” takes a journey up into the mountains to spend three weeks visiting his cousin at th...
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Hans Cousin
Vorname "Joachim" (33841)
Name "Cousin" (298)
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