Hans Peter Gill Person-Info 

( Ich bin Hans Peter Gill)


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Former Frankie Goes to Hollywood star Brian 'Nasher' Nash talks about his ...

[Liverpool Echo] - I decided to move down before Mark O'Toole and Peter Gill and was subject to abuse like "Turning your back on the city" and "Traitor to your roots". Within six months they had both done the same thing. What are the important things you look for when

Warriors nail it down

[Boston Herald] - Yesterday, Connor Roddy, Peter Gill and Calvin Given didn't wait for the end of the game to wield the hammer. Having scored just two goals over the first three quarters of a Division 2 quarterfinal matchup against unbeaten, top-seeded Wellesley

Dem Gundeli-Raser droht eine hohe Strafe

[Basler Zeitung] - «Mit grosser Wahrscheinlichkeit hätten wir das Fahrzeug des Unfallverursachers beschlagnahmt, aber es war schrottreif», so Peter Gill, Mediensprecher der Staatsanwaltschaft Basel-Stadt. Die am 27. April lancierte Volksinitiative «Schutz vor

Guernsey to continue using foghorns

[BBC News] - Capt Peter Gill, Guernsey harbour master, said the three signals run by the island would continue to operate. He said: "I believe fog signals are a useful aid to navigation, particularly for smaller vessels." Trinity House decided to end the use of the
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