Hans Peter Liewald Person-Info 

( Ich bin Hans Peter Liewald)


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Teen is suspect in death of father, stepmother - CNN

... father and stepmother. The victims have been identified as Christian Hans Liewald, 43, and his wife, 24-year-old Cassie Meghan Buckaloo.

Teen charged with killing dad, stepmother - UPI.com

A North Carolina teenager has been charged as a juvenile with killing his father and stepmother.

DVD über Geschichte des Neustädter Kino hat Premiere | TLZ

Was der alles weiß, sagt Walter Rudolph über den Neustädter Gerhard Büchler Fräser und Meister bei Draweba, Peter Liewald (64), Meister im ACZ, dem Agrochemischen ...

HomeSchooled/Christian Kid kills his parents. - Education - Free...

From the DD, looks like the link for the family pictures has already been removed. http://www.dreamindemon.com g-parents/ This is my first...
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