Hans Schmidt Person-Info 

( Ich bin Hans Schmidt)


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Arizona street preacher, father fighting for his life after being shot ...

Nov 18, · The shooting of 26-year-old Hans Schmidt took place while Schmidt, who is now hospitalized in critical condition, was preaching the gospel to the public and promoting a nearby church service.

Evangelist Hans Schmidt returns to church months after being …

Jan 30, · Hans Schmidt, the 26-year-old military veteran and outreach director of Victory Chapel First Phoenix in Arizona, who was shot in the head while street preaching last November, has returned to his church.

Spiegel.de: Schurken-Show beim Wrestling: Hans Schmidt, die deutsche Bestie

In den Fünfzigerjahren gab er das Scheusal, den finsteren Nazi. Die US-Medien schäumten, deutsche Diplomaten wurden nervös. Doch an Hans Schmidt, ...

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