Hans Stehling und Afghanistan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Hans Stehling)
(1 - 13 von 17

Anschlag in Kundus gegen Sicherheitsfirma / GIZ Mitarbeiter unversehrt

Heute Morgen wurde ein Anschlag in Nordafghanistan verübt, bei dem mehrere Menschen ums Leben gekommen sind. Der Anschlag in Kundus richtete sich of ...

Taliban suicide bomber kills 4 in Afghanistan - Washington Times

A suicide bomber blew up his car outside a compound frequented by foreigners just after dawn Tuesday, killing four guards, as two other militants stormed the...

Taliban suicide bomber kills 4 in Afghanistan

"GIZ was not the target," spokesman Hans Stehling said. Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said in a text message to The Associated Press ...

Afghanistan: suicide bombers target foreign guesthouse

Three suicide bombers attacked the offices of a security firm guarding German government aid workers, triggering a gun battle which left four dead and ten...