Harald Eibisch Person-Info 

( Ich bin Harald Eibisch)


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Studententeams kreieren rückenfreundliche Sitzmodelle via...

3. März · Harald Eibisch, Audi AG Michael Wawrzinek, Altair Engineering GmbH. Artikel teilen Verwandte Links VDI-Fachbereich Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik ...

AUDI gives update on use of SLM metal 3D printing for the automotive...

Harald Eibisch, from the Technology Development Department at AUDI AG, said, “The new constructive freedoms provided by [industrial 3D ...

Audi's lunar rover with 3D-printed parts set to launch next year -...

Audi is set to launch a lunar rover made with weight-saving 3D-printed aluminium parts by the end of next year. Working with Part Time Scientists since 2015,...

Audi Adopts Stratasys’ 3D Printing to Reduce Production Time | INN

The Audi pre-series center with its plastics 3D printing center in Ingolstadt, Germany will leverage the first ever full-color, multi-material 3D printer.
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