Harald Kruger Person-Info 

( Ich bin Harald Kruger)


(1 - 4 von 47

Mystery of Jupiter's Rings Solved | Fox News

Electrical charges in dark dust in giant planet's rings chargea and discharge as they pass through planet's shadow.

BMW chief quits German carmaker | Shropshire Star

BMW lifer Harald Kruger will leave the group later this year after 27 years, including four as CEO.

Cambio al vertice di Bmw Kruger al posto di Reithofer - Corriere.it

A Monaco lo spiegano come un «cambio generazionale», ma in realtà dietro le quintec’è una lotta di potere fra i big del lusso tedeschi. Nuovo capo...

Los Angeles Auto Show World - DAWN.COM

Harald Kruger, member of the board of management for the BMW Group, poses next to the Mini Paceman at the Los Angeles Auto ...
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