Harjit Singh Bedi Person-Info 

( Ich bin Harjit Singh Bedi)


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Spiegel.de: Mumbai: Drahtzieher der Anschläge von hingerichtet - DER SPIEGEL

Im März detonierten in Mumbai 13 Bomben, 257 Menschen wurden getötet. Nun hat Indien den Mann hingerichtet, der die Anschläge geplant haben soll. Doch...

India hangs Mumbai bomb blasts plotter

MUMBAI/United States - India executed convicted bomb plotter Yakub Memon on Thursday for conspiring in the nation’s deadliest attack, a series of blasts that

Justices Harjit Singh Bedi Photos | Images of Justices Harjit Singh...

Check out for the latest photos of justices harjit singh bedi along with justices harjit singh bedi gallery, recent images of justices harjit singh bedi at...

India executes Mumbai bomb plotter Yakub Memon | India – Gulf News

Memon was hanged on his 53rd birthday for his role in a series of bombings in Mumbai more than two decades ago
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Harjit Singh Bedi
Harjit Singh
Vorname "Harjit" (24)
Name "Singh Bedi" (18)
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