Harriet King Person-Info 

( Ich bin Harriet King)


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Showing students civil rights history

[Greenwood Commonwealth] - “It's important that all of our students have a greater awareness of civil rights,” said Jennifer Wilson, Greenwood's assistant superintendent.

Google News: Big overflow crowds expected at Thanksgiving sites didn't show up

[Gainesville Sun] - Tanya Sutton, left, and Jack Anderson enjoy a Thanksgiving meal in an nearly empty Martin Luther King Jr. Multipurpose Center on Thursday. By Harriet

Palin in black and white

[CNN International] - In her book, Palin quotes Dr. Martin Luther King and says she was influenced by the courage of Harriet Tubman. She mentions the challenges faced by her

King gets rock-star reception at Talking Volumes

[Minneapolis Star Tribune] - To get the diction of the British characters in the modern-day ghost story, “I hung around and eavesdropped,” she said, “making notes like Harriet the Spy.
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