Hasan Turunc Person-Info 

( Ich bin Hasan Turunc)


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Analysis - Spat with Iraq bares Turk plunge into regional power gamewww.reuters.com › article

· ... Turkey and the Gulf Arab states being played out in Syria and Iraq,” said Hasan Turunc, a fellow at Oxford University.

What does Erdogan's surprise election defeat mean for the Turkish...

Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s fate may have been sealed in the city that propelled him to power.

Perspectives from Turkey in the New Millennium. Exeter Turkish...

Hasan Turunc (Royal Holloway). CHAIR: Sevilay Aksoy (Dokuz Eylül University) am. Break pm. Lunch pm.

Erdogan: Turkey to Open Border if EU Continues its Threatswww.voanews.com › erdogan-turkey-to-open-borde...

· ... could push for a so-called two-tier Europe alongside other states outside the bloc, says analyst Hasan Turunc of Oxford University.
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