Heidi Burkardt Person-Info 

( Ich bin Heidi Burkardt)


Aero-News Quote of the Day ( ) | Aero-News Network

'We basically flew low over the trees until we saw her in the grassy swamp. When we saw her, she waved at us. We radioed the ground teams and circled |...

Missing Monroe county girl found | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Missing Monroe county girl found

Mostra collettiva di artisti canadesi, Spoleto | by Umbria OnLine

Atkins, Antony Batten, Edie Bergl, Heidi Burkardt, Jerome Conway, Jhon Cutruzzola, Janos Gardonyi, Rosa Granci, Jeff Jackson, Ana Jurpik, ...

Ultralight Pilots Locate Lost Girl | Aero-News Network

The Associated Press has reported that a 14-year-old girl with Down syndrome who had gone missing for 10 hours from a religio| Published: Sun, Jun 27, |...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Heidi Burkardt
Vorname "Heidi" (22788)
Name "Burkardt" (204)
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