Heinz Richter und German Person-Info 

( Ich bin Heinz Richter)
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German historian Heinz Richter cleared of charges | News |...

German historian Heinz Richter, on trial over a controversial book recounting the Battle of Crete, has been cleared of all charges.

German historian Heinz Richter cleared of chargeshistorynewsnetwork.org › article

· German historian Heinz Richter on Wednesday expressed surprise after being acquitted by a court in Rethymno, Crete, of charges that his

University of Crete revokes doctorate of German academic |...

The Political Science department of the University of Crete has stripped Heinz Richter, former professor of Greek and Cypriot modern history at the University...

Jahr | Revolvy

Friedberg, Germany: Podzun-Pallas Heinz Richter (born 24 July 1947), is a German former track cyclist , who won the silver medal for East Germany in the ...