Helen Rimmer Person-Info 

( Ich bin Helen Rimmer)


(1 - 4 von 24

Big Commute: Bikes Metrolink tram bus and car battle it out and the...

The Big Commute Challenge this morning pitted the humble bicycle against a cargo bike with 40kg of luggage, the Metrolink, a bus - and the conventional car

Lancashire election candidates asked to oppose fracking - BBC News

· Friends of the Earth's Helen Rimmer said she hoped the candidates would "back renewable energy instead". Fracking is a technique where water ...

Shale gas fracking a low risk to public health -UK review | Reuters

The risks to public health from emissions caused by fracking for shale oil and gas are low as long as operations are properly run and regulated, the British...

Guardian: Ifor James | | The Guardian

Obituary: Outstanding horn soloist and chamber player.
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Walter Brasch
Vorname "Helen" (8199)
Name "Rimmer" (151)
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