Helmut Can Person-Info 

( Ich bin Helmut Can)


(1 - 4 von 14

Red Bull's Christian Horner backs Mark Webber in wake of Helmut Marko...

Christian Horner has attempted to distance the management at the World Champion team from Red Bull advisor Helmut Marko's criticisms of Mark Webber, insisting...

Mark Webber confident he can take team-mate Sebastian Vettel's world...

Mark Webber has shrugged off claims he cracks under pressure and insisted he has what it takes to be Formula One world champion. The Australian has had to play...

Faith and Reason: Why Tony, Bill and Helmut can't ignore the chain...

Politicians and archbishops must not turn their back on the scandal of Third World debt says Paul Handley, editor of the Church Times

Helmut Kae

Helmut can be seen on the rinks during all the Niihau and Kauai division practices and games. Helmut looks at every kid as an individual and ...
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Person "Can" (8)
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