Henry Cyr Person-Info 

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Rachel Mitchem, Henry Cyr

The bride graduated from Mercy High School in Baltimore, Md., and from the University of...

3 U.S. Airmen Lost in Typhoon Phanfone Identified By Robins Air Force...

Kadena Air Force Base has confirmed: The body of the third airmen has been found off the coast of Okinawa @13wmaznews. — Sheera C. Poelman (@SheeraPoelman) October 8, "We share in the sorrow felt by these airmen's loved ones," added Col. Henry Cyr, commander of the 461st ACW.

Change of Command Ceremony at Museum of Aviation | Military | Warner...

Colonel Henry Cyr, Vice Commander of the 461st Air Control Wing said the organizations will remain a team with the same mission but will just ...

Air Force IDs Okinawa Airmen Washed Out to Sea by Typhoon Phanfone

Rough seas slowed the search Tuesday for a missing U.S. airman — one of three swept away while taking photos near giant waves in Japan.
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