Hisham I. Abdel-Karim Person-Info 

( Ich bin Hisham I. Abdel-Karim)


(1 - 4 von 22

Spiegel.de: Zweifelhafte Freilassung für Palästinenser: "Die Liste ist ein Witz"...

Palästinenser hat Israel während der Intifada in Gefängnisse gesperrt warten noch heute auf einen Prozess. Jetzt kommen rund 330 Gefangene frei....

'Sergey Ponomarev: A lens on Syria' - CNN Style

Abu Hisham Abdel Karim and his family use a local taxi to salvage possessions from their ruined apartment in the Khalidiya district of ...

Tunisia to Honor Hisham Abdel Hamid, Safiyyah Al Omari, Kamal Al...

The Artists will participate in the seventh Tunisian Spring Festival which will take place in the town of Qairawan during the period between 19 and 24 A

New chief for privately-run Hinchingbrooke hospital in Cambridgeshire...

The new chief executive of the first privately-run NHS hospital Hinchingbrooke has insisted care is improving.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Hisham I. Abdel-Karim
Vorname "Hisham" (386)
Name "Abdel-Karim" (21)
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