Holger Herz und University Person-Info 

( Ich bin Holger Herz)
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Leeds University Business School

— You are invited to attend a seminar by Professor Holger Herz from the University of Fribourg on "Intrinsic Preferences for Autonomy".

Universität Konstanz

Seminar in Microeconomics - Holger Herz (University of Fribourg). Wann Donnerstag, 22. Juni :15 bis 16:15 Uhr. Wo TWI Kreuzlingen

Berlin Centre for Consumer Policies

Holger Herz (University of Fribourg). Topic:Linguistics and time preferences: Are intertemporal trade-offs shaped by language? Go to speaker website.

Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE

— Presenter: Holger Herz, University of Fribourg. Discussant: Ferdinand von Siemens, Goethe University Frankfurt – Lunch Break.