Holm Winter Person-Info 

( Ich bin Holm Winter)


(1 - 4 von 5

BBC - Family links to Flat Holm inspire artist's exhibition

Artist Penny Somerville has taken inspiration for her latest exhibition from her family's links to the island of Flat Holm, off the south Wales coast.

VIDEO: Mountain Unicycling with Kris Holm- Winter Sessions - Skiing...

In this episode of The Sound of Winter Sessions, professional mountain unicyclist Kris Holm walks us through his childhood of discovering the unique sport in...

BBC - South East Wales - Getting set for Flat Holm winter

Matthew Lipton talks about his first six months as the island's warden, looks ahead to the next six.

Auftakt zum Sächsischen Sozialpartnerdialog mit Staatsminister Martin...

Fachtagung in Radebeul widmete sich der Personalgewinnung und -bindung im sächsischen Straßenpersonennahverkehr.
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