Honorio Garcia Flores Person-Info 

( Ich bin Honorio Garcia Flores)


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LEV GARCIA FLORES | The Seattle Timeswww.seattletimes.com › author › lev-garcia-flores

LEV GARCIA FLORES. December 19, at 11:13 am. Mexican journalist shot dead at primary school holiday party. XALAPA, Mexico (AP) — Attackers burst into ...

Honorio Flores: "The massification of 5 and 6 is necessary"en.liderendeportes.com › Hipismo

· From there we located the coach Honorio Flores, who decided to make a life in various radio spaces, for many years, together with the late ...

Angel Garcia-Flores, 1 - The Homicide Report - Los Angeles Times

Angel Garcia-Flores, a 1-year-old Latino male, died Thursday, Sept. 15, in El Sereno, according to Los Angeles County coroner's records.
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